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#C72C41 Red
#1A1A1A Black
#FFD700 Gold
#4A7C2A Dark Green
#87CEEB Sky Blue


Palette Description

1. Red - 
                         - This vibrant red symbolizes the fierce and fiery nature often associated with Oni, portraying strength and passion.
2. Black - 
                         - A deep black that represents the mysterious and ominous aspect of Oni, providing a strong contrast to brighter colors.
3. Gold - 
                         - A rich gold that signifies power and prestige, often seen in traditional depictions of Oni.
4. Dark Green - 
                         - A muted dark green that reflects the natural elements and adds depth to the palette, reminiscent of the forest settings in folklore.
5. Sky Blue - 
                         - A soft sky blue that introduces a calming element, representing the balance between chaos and tranquility.

This color palette, inspired by the concept of Oni from Japanese folklore, captures the essence of strength, mystery, and ancient power while providing a harmonious blend of vibrant and muted tones.

What specific project or design are you considering using this color palette for?