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#D8A300 Harvest Gold
#7B4B3A Rustic Brown
#4A7C2D Cornfield Green
#C55A11 Twilight Orange
#A3C1DA Sky Blue


Palette Description

1. Harvest Gold - 
                         - A warm, earthy yellow reminiscent of ripe crops in the field.
2. Rustic Brown - 
                         - A deep, rich brown reflecting the texture of weathered wood and soil.
3. Cornfield Green - 
                         - A vibrant green representing the lushness of cornfields.
4. Twilight Orange - 
                         - A bold orange that captures the essence of a sunset in the autumn sky.
5. Sky Blue - 
                         - A soft blue reminiscent of clear skies on a crisp fall day.

This color palette embodies the rustic and agricultural themes associated with scarecrows, evoking feelings of harvest time and the rural landscape.

What specific application do you have in mind for this color palette? Are you working on a graphic design, a branding project, or something else?