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#FF9900 Bright Orange
#FFCC00 Lemon Yellow
#FF6600 Tangerine
#99CC00 Lime Green
#00CCFF Sky Blue
#CC0066 Raspberry Red
#333333 Charcoal Gray

I would like to generate a 7-color palette which is based on the primary color I want to use FF9900

Palette Description


1. Bright Orange - #FF9900 - A vibrant and energetic orange that serves as the primary color, evoking warmth and enthusiasm. 2. Lemon Yellow - #FFCC00 - A cheerful yellow that complements the orange, adding brightness and a sense of optimism. 3. Tangerine - #FF6600 - A slightly deeper orange that adds depth and richness, enhancing the overall citrus theme. 4. Lime Green - #99CC00 - A fresh green that brings a refreshing contrast, balancing the warmth of the oranges and yellows. 5. Sky Blue - #00CCFF - A light blue that introduces a cool tone, providing a calming balance to the warm colors. 6. Raspberry Red - #CC0066 - A bold red that adds excitement and energy, creating a dynamic contrast within the palette. 7. Charcoal Gray - #333333 - A dark gray that grounds the palette, providing a neutral base to highlight the vibrant colors. This palette is inspired by a sunny citrus theme, combining warm and cool tones to evoke feelings of happiness, vibrancy, and energy. Perfect for designs that aim to be lively and engaging. What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Do you have any specific design elements in mind?