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#008080 Main Teal
#4169E1 Main Royal Blue
#FF8C00 Accent Warm Orange
#FF6F61 Accent Coral
#FFD700 Secondary Gold
#B8B8B8 Secondary Warm Gray

Main Color: Teal (#008080) or Royal Blue (#4169E1) Accent Color: Warm Orange (#FF8C00) or Coral (#FF6F61) Secondary Accent: Gold (#FFD700) or Warm Gray (#B8B8B8)

Palette Description

Based on your preferences, I will create a color palette that incorporates the main color options, accent colors, and secondary accents. Here’s the generated color palette:

 <Teal and Warm Tones>
1. Main Teal - 
                         - A calming teal that brings a sense of tranquility and balance.
2. Main Royal Blue - 
                         - A vibrant royal blue that symbolizes trust and dependability.
3. Accent Warm Orange - 
                         - A lively warm orange that adds energy and warmth to the palette.
4. Accent Coral - 
                         - A soft coral that introduces a friendly and inviting feel.
5. Secondary Gold - 
                         - A bright gold that signifies luxury and quality.
6. Secondary Warm Gray - 
                         - A neutral warm gray that provides balance and sophistication.

This color palette combines the calming effects of teal or royal blue with the energetic feel of warm orange or coral, complemented by the richness of gold or the neutrality of warm gray. It’s perfect for applications that require a balance of professionalism and warmth.

What specific application do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like to focus more on certain colors or any particular emotions you want to evoke?