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#6F2C91 Plum
#E5B5E0 Lavender
#D5006D Fuchsia
#008080 Teal
#0D99FF Electric Blue
#FF6F61 Bright Coral
#FFC300 Sunflower Yellow
#A8D600 Chartreuse
#007BA7 Cerulean
#FF00B2 Mean Girls Lipstick

a 10-hue color palette for a lynchian film inspired in gender identity struggles, especially the feeling of being nonbinary. the main color is plum, the rest are vibrant colors similar or adjacent, the fourth act of the film takes place in a theater dressing room and the third in a bar.

Palette Description


1. Plum - #6F2C91 - A deep, rich purple that serves as the primary hue, symbolizing complexity and depth in gender identity. 2. Lavender - #E5B5E0 - A soft and soothing light purple, representing sensitivity and tranquility within the nonbinary experience. 3. Fuchsia - #D5006D - A vibrant pink that evokes boldness and confidence, reflecting the struggle and assertion of identity. 4. Teal - #008080 - A calming blue-green that embodies balance and harmony, representing the fluidity of gender. 5. Electric Blue - #0D99FF - A bright, striking blue that captures attention and represents the vibrant spectrum of identities. 6. Bright Coral - #FF6F61 - A warm, inviting coral that symbolizes warmth and acceptance in the journey of self-exploration. 7. Sunflower Yellow - #FFC300 - A cheerful and lively yellow that embodies optimism and hope, illuminating the path of self-discovery. 8. Chartreuse - #A8D600 - A lively green-yellow that reflects energy and growth, representing the evolving nature of gender identity. 9. Cerulean - #007BA7 - A tranquil blue that signifies introspection and serenity, often found in moments of reflection. 10. Magenta - #FF00B2 - A bold, eye-catching magenta that represents the vibrant and diverse spectrum of gender identities. This color palette captures the essence of a Lynchian film with its contrasting hues and emotional depth, reflecting the complexity of gender identity struggles, the vibrancy of self-expression, and the intimate settings of a bar and dressing room. What specific feelings or themes do you want to evoke through the use of this palette? Would you like variations for specific scenes or elements within the film?