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#FFFF99 Pastel Yellow
#FFCCCB Happy Piglets
#87CEFA Nevermind Nirvana
#98FF98 Toxic Frog
#E6E6FA Foundation White

Light colors for high lighting text

Palette Description

 <Transparent Light Colors for Highlighting Text>
1. Soft Yellow (30% Opacity) - 
                         - A gentle yellow with reduced opacity that provides a warm highlight while allowing the background to subtly show through.
2. Pale Pink (30% Opacity) - 
                         - A soft, light pink at a lower opacity that adds warmth and friendliness, making important information stand out without being too bold.
3. Light Sky Blue (30% Opacity) - 
                         - A calming blue hue with transparency that enhances readability while creating a fresh and airy feel.
4. Mint Green (30% Opacity) - 
                         - A refreshing and cheerful green with transparency that maintains visibility while allowing the background to peek through.
5. Lavender (30% Opacity) - 
                         - A delicate lavender at reduced opacity that offers subtle contrast, making text pop gently against darker backgrounds.

This color palette is tailored for highlighting text with a more transparent effect, ensuring that the colors add emphasis without completely overpowering the underlying content. The transparency allows for a softer integration with various design elements.

What background colors or design elements do you plan to use these highlights with? Would you like to adjust the opacity further or explore different shades?