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#4A90E2 Serenity Blue
#FF6F61 Vibrant Coral
#A8E6CE Fresh Mint
#F9D74D Golden Yellow
#333333 Deep Charcoal


Palette Description

To create a color palette for “Me,” I will focus on a combination of colors that reflect individuality, personality, and self-expression. Here’s a suggested palette:

1. Serenity Blue - 
                         - A calming shade that represents tranquility and confidence.
2. Vibrant Coral - 
                         - A lively and energetic color symbolizing passion and warmth.
3. Fresh Mint - 
                         - A refreshing hue that embodies growth and renewal.
4. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A bright, cheerful color that signifies optimism and creativity.
5. Deep Charcoal - 
                         - A strong and grounding tone representing strength and stability.

This palette aims to capture a sense of individuality with vibrant and calming colors that can be associated with personal identity and expression.

Do you have any specific themes or emotions you want to emphasize in this palette, or any particular colors you prefer?