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#000000 Deep Black
#4B0082 Dark Purple
#8E4585 Plum
#E6E6FA Lavender
#36454F Charcoal

чорно-фіолетова гамма

Palette Description

 <Black-Purple Palette>
1. Deep Black - 
                         - A rich, true black that serves as a strong foundation for the palette.
2. Dark Purple - 
                         - A deep, dark purple that adds a regal touch and depth to the design.
3. Plum - 
                         - A muted plum that introduces a softer contrast with hints of warmth.
4. Lavender - 
                         - A light lavender that provides a subtle highlight against darker shades.
5. Charcoal - 
                         - A dark gray that complements the black and purple tones without overpowering them.

This color palette combines deep blacks and purples to create a mysterious and elegant aesthetic, suitable for designs that aim to evoke sophistication and intrigue.

Do you have a specific application in mind for this palette (e.g., branding, web design, product packaging)?