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#D5006D Rani Pink
#FF3F7F Light Rani
#A4004D Deep Rani
#FFD700 Gold

Rani color

Palette Description

 <Rani Color Palette>
1. Rani Pink - 
                         - A vibrant and bold pink that is eye-catching and energetic.
2. Light Rani - 
                         - A softer, lighter version of Rani Pink, suitable for backgrounds and accents.
3. Deep Rani - 
                         - A darker, more muted pink that adds depth and sophistication.
4. Gold - 
                         - A rich gold that pairs beautifully with Rani colors, adding a touch of luxury.
5. White - 
                         - A clean and crisp white that enhances the vibrancy of the Rani colors.

This Rani color palette features a mix of vibrant pinks complemented by a luxurious gold and a clean white. It can be used effectively in designs that aim to convey energy, elegance, and warmth.

What type of project are you considering this color palette for? Would you like suggestions on how to use these colors effectively?