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#1ABC9C Turquoise
#FF6F61 Coral
#BDC3C7 Soft Gray

Turquoise: #1ABC9C Coral: #FF6F61 Soft Gray: #BDC3C7

Palette Description

 <Turquoise Coral Soft Gray> 
1. Turquoise - 
                         - A vibrant and refreshing shade reminiscent of tropical waters, symbolizing tranquility and energy.
2. Coral - 
                         - A warm, lively hue that exudes vibrancy and enthusiasm, adding a playful touch to any design.
3. Soft Gray - 
                         - A gentle, neutral tone that provides balance and sophistication, serving as a perfect backdrop for bolder colors.

This color palette combines the refreshing and lively aspects of turquoise and coral with the calming presence of soft gray, making it ideal for designs that aim to evoke a sense of vitality and harmony.

What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for?