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#A4C8E1 Light Blue
#0072B8 Dark Blue
#A8D8B9 Light Green
#4CA64C Dark Green
#F6A600 Light Orange
#C67C00 Dark Orange

excel graph

Palette Description

 <Excel Graph Palette>
1. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft, calming blue that works well for background elements in graphs.
2. Dark Blue - 
                         - A bold blue that provides contrast and draws attention to key data points.
3. Light Green - 
                         - A fresh, light green that represents positive growth and trends.
4. Dark Green - 
                         - A strong green that adds depth and emphasizes significant data.
5. Light Orange - 
                         - A bright, friendly orange for highlighting important sections and trends.
6. Dark Orange - 
                         - A deep orange that can be used to indicate caution or important warnings in data.

This color palette is designed for Excel graphs, featuring a range of blues and greens for clarity and professionalism, complemented by oranges for emphasis. The combination ensures that graphs remain readable while also visually engaging.

What specific types of graphs are you planning to use this palette for? Are there any particular themes or data types you want to focus on?