Huehive Logo


#4CAF50 Green
#FFEB3B Yellow
#2196F3 Blue

i need 2-3 color for my logo, I'm making logo for solar company mainly focus on green solar energy we need to incorporate globe, sun and solar panel in logo give me best color for this

Palette Description

 <Green Solar Energy Logo>
1. Green - 
                         - Represents sustainability and eco-friendliness, perfect for a solar company focused on green energy.
2. Yellow - 
                         - Symbolizes sunlight and energy, reflecting the core aspect of solar power.
3. Blue - 
                         - Evokes a sense of trust and reliability, while also representing the sky and the globe.

This color palette combines green for sustainability, yellow for sunlight, and blue for trust, making it ideal for a logo centered around green solar energy with elements of a globe, sun, and solar panel.

What style do you envision for your logo? Do you prefer a modern or traditional look?