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#00C2C7 Bright Teal
#FF6F61 Warm Coral
#F4F4F6 Light Gray
#3A3A3C Dark Gray
#5961B8 Slate Blue
#FFD700 Sunshine Yellow

Bright Teal – Primary Color #00C2C7 Warm Coral – Accent/CTA Color #FF6F61 Light Gray – Neutral Background #F4F4F6 Dark Gray – Text #3A3A3C Slate Blue – Complementary for Navigation/Icons #5961B8 Sunshine Yellow – Highlight for Flash Deals #FFD700

Palette Description

 <Bright Teal & Warm Coral Palette> 
1. Bright Teal - 
                         - A vibrant and refreshing color that serves as the primary color, evoking feelings of energy and tranquility.
2. Warm Coral - 
                         - A lively and inviting accent color that draws attention and encourages action, perfect for calls to action.
3. Light Gray - 
                         - A soft and neutral background color that creates a clean and modern aesthetic, allowing other colors to stand out.
4. Dark Gray - 
                         - A strong text color that provides excellent readability and contrast against lighter backgrounds.
5. Slate Blue - 
                         - A soothing and sophisticated complementary color ideal for navigation and icons, adding depth to the design.
6. Sunshine Yellow - 
                         - A bright and cheerful highlight color that grabs attention, perfect for promoting flash deals and special offers.

This color palette combines a refreshing primary color with warm accents and neutral tones, creating a balanced and appealing visual experience. The use of contrasting colors helps direct user attention effectively while maintaining a modern aesthetic.

What specific project or application are you considering this color palette for? Would you like suggestions on typography or additional design elements to complement this palette?