Huehive Logo


#F0E1E4 Background
#3F2A52 Text
#FF77A8 Primary Action
#FFEA00 Secondary Action
#FFD700 Accent

modern, professional look with a warm, secure and welcoming vibe

Palette Description

 <Wacky Unique Colors Revised>
1. Background - 
                         - A light, pastel pink that adds a whimsical flair while remaining easy on the eyes for backgrounds.
2. Text - 
                         - A deep, rich plum that contrasts well with the background, providing excellent readability and a unique touch.
3. Primary Action - 
                         - A vibrant, bubblegum pink that stands out and invites users to engage with primary actions in a playful manner.
4. Secondary Action - 
                         - A bright, neon yellow that pops with energy and vibrancy, making it perfect for secondary actions that need to grab attention.
5. Accent - 
                         - A bold, sunny gold that adds a touch of extravagance, ideal for highlighting special elements or features.

In this revised palette, the secondary action color has been changed to a bright neon yellow ( #FFEA00 ), which significantly enhances its visibility and impact. This vibrant yellow will certainly catch the eye and provide an energetic contrast against the other colors, especially in a playful and wacky design context.

Would you like to see examples of how these colors could be applied in specific UI components, or do you have other adjustments in mind?