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#A8D8E4 Soft Blue
#B0C4C7 Misty Gray
#005A8B Deep Ocean
#A2D6D7 Seafoam Green
#E3D8C3 Sandy Beige


Palette Description

 <Coblur Color Palette>
1. Soft Blue - 
                         - A light, calming blue that evokes tranquility and peace.
2. Misty Gray - 
                         - A soft gray with blue undertones, reminiscent of foggy mornings.
3. Deep Ocean - 
                         - A rich, deep blue that adds depth and sophistication.
4. Seafoam Green - 
                         - A refreshing greenish-blue that brings a sense of renewal and balance.
5. Sandy Beige - 
                         - A warm, neutral beige that complements the blues and greens beautifully.

This color palette, named “Coblur,” combines soothing blues and greens with neutral tones, perfect for designs aiming to create a serene and inviting atmosphere.

What type of project are you considering using this color palette for?