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#B7E0F0 Icy Blue
#3B6A3D Pine Green
#A61A34 Ruby Red
#F4F4F4 Winter White
#4A4E54 Midnight Gray

december color palette

Palette Description

 <December Delight> 
1. Icy Blue - 
                         - A soft, icy blue that evokes the chill of December air and tranquil winter mornings. 
2. Pine Green - 
                         - A dark, forest green that reflects the beauty of evergreen trees during the holiday season. 
3. Ruby Red - 
                         - A rich, bold red that captures the warmth and vibrancy of holiday festivities. 
4. Winter White - 
                         - A gentle, off-white that symbolizes the soft, fluffy snow covering the landscape. 
5. Midnight Gray - 
                         - A deep, charcoal gray that adds depth and elegance, reminiscent of long winter nights. 

This color palette embodies the spirit of December, blending cool and warm tones to create a festive and inviting atmosphere.

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