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#A3C1DA Frosty Blue
#F4F4F4 Winter White
#002D5C Midnight Navy
#B7C9C7 Silver Mist
#A52A2A Berry Red

january color palette

Palette Description

 <January Blues> 
1. Frosty Blue - 
                         - A soft, icy blue that evokes the chill of winter mornings.
2. Winter White - 
                         - A clean, crisp white reminiscent of freshly fallen snow.
3. Midnight Navy - 
                         - A deep navy blue that captures the long nights of January.
4. Silver Mist - 
                         - A cool, silvery gray that suggests frost-covered landscapes.
5. Berry Red - 
                         - A warm, muted red that adds a touch of cozy warmth to the palette.

This color palette, “January Blues,” encapsulates the essence of January with cool blues and grays reflecting the winter season, complemented by warm accents to create a balanced feel.

What specific application do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like suggestions for complementary colors or design elements as well?