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#A8D5BA Soft Green
#E6E6FA Lavender
#FFDAB9 Peach
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#F8EBA1 Daisy Yellow
#FF6F61 Coral Red

May color palette

Palette Description

 <May Bloom Enhanced> 
1. Soft Green - 
                         - A gentle, fresh green reminiscent of new leaves and spring growth. 
2. Lavender - 
                         - A light and soothing lavender that brings a touch of calmness and elegance. 
3. Peach - 
                         - A warm and inviting peach that evokes the sweetness of blooming flowers.
4. Sky Blue - 
                         - A bright and cheerful sky blue that symbolizes clear skies and sunny days. 
5. Daisy Yellow - 
                         - A soft, buttery yellow that captures the essence of blooming daisies and sunshine.
6. Coral Red - 
                         - A vibrant coral red that adds a pop of energy and warmth, symbolizing passion and vitality. 

The updated color palette, “May Bloom Enhanced,” introduces a lively Coral Red to the mix, adding a dynamic and energetic contrast to the soft, pastel hues. This addition enhances the overall vibrancy of the palette, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

What type of project are you considering for this color palette? Are there any specific themes or moods you want to emphasize?