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#C72C41 Maple Red
#F2A900 Golden Yellow
#D86B1D Pumpkin Orange
#6F4C3E Chestnut Brown
#4D6B30 Olive Green

осінні кольори

Palette Description

 <Autumn Colors>
1. Maple Red - 
                         - A deep, vibrant red reminiscent of the changing leaves.
2. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A warm, rich yellow that evokes the glow of autumn sunlight.
3. Pumpkin Orange - 
                         - A bold, bright orange that brings to mind pumpkins and harvest festivities.
4. Chestnut Brown - 
                         - A warm, earthy brown that reflects the bark of trees and fallen leaves.
5. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green that symbolizes the last remnants of summer foliage.

This color palette captures the essence of autumn with warm, earthy tones that reflect the beauty of nature during this season. The combination of reds, yellows, oranges, browns, and greens provides a cozy and inviting aesthetic.

What specific project do you have in mind for this autumn color palette? Do you need any additional colors or suggestions?