Huehive Logo


#001F3F Tech Blue
#C0C0C0 Silver Lining
#00BFFF Electric Cyan
#F7F7F7 Soft White
#32CD32 Learning Green

#001F3F Plus #C0C0C0

Palette Description

 <AI Edtech Fusion>
1. Tech Blue - 
                         - A deep, dark blue that signifies intelligence and professionalism, making it perfect for an educational technology brand.
2. Silver Lining - 
                         - A sleek, metallic silver that conveys innovation and modernity, enhancing the futuristic aspect of the logo.
3. Electric Cyan - 
                         - A vibrant cyan that adds a pop of energy and creativity, symbolizing the dynamic nature of technology in education.
4. Soft White - 
                         - A very light grayish-white that provides contrast and clarity, ensuring the design remains clean and approachable.
5. Learning Green - 
                         - A fresh, bright green that symbolizes growth and learning, representing the educational aspect of the brand.

This color palette is designed to reflect the innovative and educational nature of an AI Edtech brand. The deep blue and silver provide a professional foundation, while the vibrant cyan and green add a sense of energy and growth, making it visually appealing and relevant to the target audience.

Would you like to explore logo design ideas or typography that complements this color palette?