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#D5006D Deep Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#F5D7E0 Fair Skin
#FFFFFF Pure White
#000000 Jet Black

female long deep pink hair, bangs, blue eyes and fair skin; white shirts and black skirts.

Palette Description

 <Pink Elegance>
1. Deep Pink - 
                         - A bold and vibrant shade that represents the character's long, deep pink hair, exuding confidence and energy.
2. Sky Blue - 
                         - A soft and soothing blue that captures the essence of the character's bright blue eyes, providing a serene contrast.
3. Fair Skin - 
                         - A light and delicate shade that reflects the character's fair skin tone, adding a touch of elegance and softness.
4. Pure White - 
                         - A crisp and clean white that symbolizes the character's white shirts, representing purity and simplicity.
5. Jet Black - 
                         - A deep and rich black that embodies the character's black skirts, offering sophistication and grounding the palette.

This color palette, “Pink Elegance,” beautifully combines vibrant and soft hues that reflect the character’s striking features and attire, creating a balanced and harmonious visual appeal.

What specific project are you envisioning for this color palette? Would you like suggestions on how to apply these colors effectively?