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#8B5B29 Hair Brown
#6F4C3E Bangs Brown
#8E6B4E Hazel Eyes
#F2E2D5 Fair Skin
#F6EB61 Yellow Shirt
#FF6F91 Pink Skirt

Téa Gardner has a bob brown hair, bangs, hazel eyes and fair skin; yellow shirts and pink skirts.

Palette Description

 <Téa Gardner Palette> 
1. Hair Brown - 
                         - A warm, rich brown reminiscent of bobbed hair.
2. Bangs Brown - 
                         - A slightly darker shade of brown to represent bangs.
3. Hazel Eyes - 
                         - A soft mix of green and brown reflecting hazel eyes.
4. Fair Skin - 
                         - A light, gentle skin tone with a hint of warmth.
5. Yellow Shirt - 
                         - A bright, cheerful yellow representing the shirt.
6. Pink Skirt - 
                         - A vibrant pink that embodies the playful nature of the skirt.

This palette captures the essence of Téa Gardner with a mix of warm browns for her hair, a soft hazel for her eyes, and lively colors for her clothing, creating a balanced and inviting aesthetic.

What kind of project are you planning to use this color palette for?