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#1A73E8 Primary
#FFA500 Secondary
#FFD700 Accent
#F4F4F4 Neutral Light
#2C2C2C Neutral Dark

1. Primary: Navy Blue (#1A73E8) 2. Secondary: Orange (#FFA500) 3. Accent: Bright Yellow (#FFD700) 4. Neutral Light: Light Gray (#F4F4F4) 5. Neutral Dark: Charcoal Gray (#2C2C2C)

Palette Description

 < Navy Blue & Orange Vibrance > 
1. Primary - 
                         - A deep navy blue, representing trust and stability, perfect for primary actions and backgrounds.
2. Secondary - 
                         - A vibrant orange, symbolizing energy and enthusiasm, ideal for calls to action and highlights.
3. Accent - 
                         - A bright yellow, exuding warmth and positivity, great for drawing attention to key elements.
4. Neutral Light - 
                         - A soft light gray, providing a calm and clean background for content areas.
5. Neutral Dark - 
                         - A strong charcoal gray, offering depth and contrast for text and UI components.

This color palette combines a strong and trustworthy navy blue with energetic orange and bright yellow accents, creating a vibrant and engaging user experience. The neutral grays balance the palette, providing clarity and focus.

What kind of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Are there any specific emotions or branding elements you’d like to emphasize?