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#003366 Prussian Blue
#C0C0C0 Silver
#000000 Black
#FF0000 Red


Palette Description

 <海馬ノア Color Palette>
1. 深海の青 - 
                         - A deep, rich blue reminiscent of the ocean depths, reflecting the character's strategic and intense nature.
2. 銀色 - 
                         - A sleek silver that embodies the high-tech aspect of Kaiba's persona, symbolizing sophistication and power.
3. 暗黒の黒 - 
                         - A bold black that represents the darkness and rivalry found within the Yu-Gi-Oh series.
4. 明るい白 - 
                         - A brilliant white that signifies clarity and purity, contrasting with the darker elements of Kaiba's character.
5. 燃える赤 - 
                         - A fiery red that captures the passion and determination that Kaiba exhibits in his duels.

This color palette is inspired by Kaiba Noah from Yu-Gi-Oh, combining deep oceanic blues, sleek silvers, bold blacks, bright whites, and fiery reds to reflect his complex character traits and the themes of rivalry and technology in the series.

What kind of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Do you need any additional colors or variations?