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#F6D02F All Might Yellow
#3E8E41 Midoriya Green
#D50000 Bakugo Red
#FF6F61 Uraraka Pink
#00BFFF Todoroki Blue


Palette Description

 <My Hero Academia>
1. All Might Yellow - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic yellow, reminiscent of All Might's heroic persona.
2. Midoriya Green - 
                         - A fresh and lively green, reflecting Izuku Midoriya's growth and determination.
3. Bakugo Red - 
                         - A bold and fiery red, symbolizing Katsuki Bakugo's explosive personality.
4. Uraraka Pink - 
                         - A soft yet striking pink, representing Ochaco Uraraka's friendly and bubbly nature.
5. Todoroki Blue - 
                         - A cool and calming blue, embodying Shoto Todoroki's icy demeanor and duality.

This color palette captures the essence of the main characters from “My Hero Academia,” featuring vibrant and dynamic colors that reflect their personalities and abilities.

What specific use do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like to explore a particular character or theme further?