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#24292e Dark Blue
#f6f8fa Light Gray
#28a745 Vibrant Green
#ffd33d Bright Yellow
#d73a49 Soft Red

github trending description

Palette Description

 <GitHub Trending Colors> 
1. Dark Blue - 
                         - This color captures the essence of GitHub's interface, representing professionalism and trust.
2. Light Gray - 
                         - A soft, neutral background color that enhances readability and provides a clean aesthetic.
3. Vibrant Green - 
                         - Symbolizing growth and innovation, this color reflects the excitement of trending projects.
4. Bright Yellow - 
                         - This lively color draws attention, representing popular and noteworthy repositories.
5. Soft Red - 
                         - Used sparingly, it signifies alerts or important updates within the GitHub ecosystem.

This color palette is inspired by the GitHub platform, particularly focusing on its trending section. The colors are balanced to provide a professional look while emphasizing key elements that attract attention.

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