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#1B9C4C Midoriya Green
#FFD700 All Might Yellow
#003DA5 UA Blue
#101820 Villain Black
#E63946 Hero Red


Palette Description

 <My Hero Academia>
1. Midoriya Green - 
                         - A vibrant green representing Izuku Midoriya's determination and growth.
2. All Might Yellow - 
                         - A bright yellow symbolizing hope and the inspiring power of All Might.
3. UA Blue - 
                         - A deep blue reflecting the prestigious U.A. High School and its strong foundation.
4. Villain Black - 
                         - A dark black that embodies the mystery and danger of the villains in the series.
5. Hero Red - 
                         - A bold red representing courage and the heroic spirit of the characters.

This color palette captures the essence of “My Hero Academia,” blending the vibrant colors of heroes and the darker tones of villains. It reflects the themes of growth, hope, and courage prevalent throughout the series.

What specific design project do you have in mind for this palette? Are you focusing on a UI, UX, or graphic design aspect?