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#FF3B30 Bright Red
#FFCC00 Golden Yellow
#007AFF Deep Blue
#4CD964 Soft Green
#D7D7D7 Light Gray

Report card

Palette Description

 <Report Card>
1. Bright Red - 
                         - A vibrant hue representing urgency and alertness, commonly associated with failing grades or areas needing improvement.
2. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A warm and cheerful shade symbolizing achievement, often used to highlight excellent performance or high marks.
3. Deep Blue - 
                         - A calming and professional color that conveys trust and reliability, suitable for overall student performance.
4. Soft Green - 
                         - A refreshing shade representing growth and success, ideal for indicating satisfactory or above-average results.
5. Light Gray - 
                         - A neutral tone providing balance, perfect for background elements or less critical information on the report card.

This color palette combines bright, attention-grabbing colors with calming hues to effectively communicate a range of academic performance levels on a report card. The use of contrasting colors helps to highlight important information while maintaining a professional appearance.

Follow-up questions:

  1. What specific age group or educational level is this report card intended for?
  2. Are there any specific branding colors or themes you would like to incorporate?
  3. What additional elements (icons, typography, etc.) should be considered in the overall design?