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#FFC0CB Blush Pink
#98FF98 Mint Green
#FF00FF Fuchsia
#2E8B57 Seafoam Green
#FF6F61 Coral Pink
#808000 Olive Green


Palette Description

 <Pink and Green Harmony>
1. Blush Pink - 
                         - A soft and gentle pink that evokes feelings of warmth and comfort.
2. Mint Green - 
                         - A refreshing and soothing green that brings a sense of tranquility and peace.
3. Fuchsia - 
                         - A vibrant and bold pink that adds a pop of energy and excitement.
4. Seafoam Green - 
                         - A calming green with a hint of blue, reminiscent of ocean waves.
5. Coral Pink - 
                         - A lively blend of pink and orange that brings warmth and approachability.
6. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green that adds depth and sophistication to the palette.

This color palette combines soft and vibrant pinks with refreshing greens, creating a balanced and harmonious feel. It can be perfect for designs aimed at evoking feelings of joy, comfort, and a touch of nature.

What kind of project are you considering using this color palette for? Do you have any specific tones or shades in mind?