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#004B87 Primary Blue
#A8D5BA Soft Green
#E0E0E0 Light Gray
#FFA500 Warm Orange
#001F3F Deep Navy

I need decent colors for financial table in Excel

Palette Description

 <Financial Table Colors> 
1. Primary Blue - 
                         - A strong and professional blue that conveys trust and stability.
2. Soft Green - 
                         - A calming green that represents growth and prosperity.
3. Light Gray - 
                         - A neutral color that provides a clean background for data visibility.
4. Warm Orange - 
                         - A bright orange for highlighting important figures or trends.
5. Deep Navy - 
                         - A dark navy for headers or important titles, offering contrast and readability.

This color palette is designed to provide a professional and clear aesthetic for financial tables, ensuring data is easily readable while also conveying a sense of trustworthiness and growth.

What specific features do you want to highlight in your financial table? Are there any particular data types or categories you’re focusing on?