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#005EB8 Blue
#FFD700 Yellow
#003DA5 Dark Blue
#F9E04B Light Yellow
#4CAF50 Green


Palette Description

 <Ukraine Colors>
1. Blue - 
                         - Represents the clear skies of Ukraine.
2. Yellow - 
                         - Symbolizes the fields of wheat and prosperity.
3. Dark Blue - 
                         - A deeper shade representing the richness of Ukraine's culture.
4. Light Yellow - 
                         - A softer yellow that conveys warmth and optimism.
5. Green - 
                         - Represents the lush landscapes of Ukraine’s countryside.

This color palette is inspired by the national colors of Ukraine, primarily blue and yellow, which symbolize the sky and wheat fields, respectively. The additional colors enhance the palette by adding depth and representing the beauty of Ukraine’s natural environment.

What specific design project are you working on that relates to Ukraine? Are there any particular emotions or messages you want to convey through the design?