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#AFAFAF Frostbite
#FFFFFF Snowdrift
#003366 Midnight Blue
#004F00 Pine Green
#A50034 Cranberry Red


Palette Description

 <Winter Bliss>
1. Frostbite - 
                         - A cool, icy gray that evokes the chill of winter air.
2. Snowdrift - 
                         - Pure white, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow.
3. Midnight Blue - 
                         - A deep, dark blue that reflects the long winter nights.
4. Pine Green - 
                         - A rich green that brings to mind evergreen trees standing tall in the winter landscape.
5. Cranberry Red - 
                         - A vibrant red that adds a pop of color, reminiscent of winter berries.

This color palette captures the essence of winter with cool tones and hints of warmth. The combination of icy grays, deep blues, and vibrant reds creates a balanced and inviting atmosphere suitable for winter-themed designs.

What specific project are you working on that inspired this winter palette?