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#30B6B5 Turquoise
#50B848 Emerald Green
#005EB8 Royal Blue
#6A1B9A Deep Purple
#FFD700 Gold


Palette Description

 <Peacock Colors>
1. Turquoise - 
                         - A vibrant, fresh blue-green reminiscent of peacock feathers.
2. Emerald Green - 
                         - A rich, deep green that symbolizes nature and luxury.
3. Royal Blue - 
                         - A bold, regal blue that captures the elegance of a peacock's plumage.
4. Deep Purple - 
                         - A rich, royal purple that adds depth and sophistication.
5. Gold - 
                         - A bright, shiny gold that represents opulence and grandeur.

This palette draws inspiration from the vivid colors of a peacock’s feathers, combining vibrant blues and greens with rich purples and gold to evoke a sense of beauty and luxury.

What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Would you like any adjustments or additional colors?