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#8A5CF5 Lavender
#EE5E69 Coral Pink
#A1B7C4 Dusty Blue
#B7B1A5 Warm Grey

i need a color pallette based on these two colors #8A5CF5 and #EE5E69. i need 3 other colors that look nice with them, don't make it too colorful

Palette Description

 <Elegant Harmony> 
1. Lavender - 
                         - A soft, muted purple that adds a touch of sophistication and calmness.
2. Coral Pink - 
                         - A warm and inviting coral that brings a lively yet gentle energy to the palette.
3. Dusty Blue - 
                         - A subdued blue that complements the existing colors while providing a calming contrast.
4. Warm Grey - 
                         - A neutral, earthy tone that balances the vibrant colors without overwhelming the palette.

This color palette, “Elegant Harmony,” combines the lively energy of the two provided colors with softer, muted tones, creating a refined and sophisticated aesthetic.

Would you like suggestions on how to use this palette in your design, or do you have specific applications in mind for it?