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#8A5CF5 Lavender
#EE5E69 Coral Pink
#6A2C91 Rich Plum
#A8E6CF Soft Mint
#FFF7E6 Cream

i need a color pallette based on these two colors #8A5CF5 and #EE5E69. i need 3 other colors that look nice with them, don't make it too colorful

Palette Description

Thank you for your feedback! Let’s refine the palette to ensure the colors harmonize better while still maintaining a colorful aspect. Here’s a new attempt:

 <Refined Vibrance> 
1. Lavender - 
                         - A soft, muted purple that adds a touch of sophistication and calmness.
2. Coral Pink - 
                         - A warm and inviting coral that brings a lively yet gentle energy to the palette.
3. Rich Plum - 
                         - A deep, vibrant plum that adds depth and richness, complementing the lavender and coral.
4. Soft Mint - 
                         - A light mint green that provides a refreshing contrast, adding a modern touch without overwhelming the palette.
5. Cream - 
                         - A warm, soft cream that balances the vibrancy of the other colors, providing a neutral backdrop.

The “Refined Vibrance” color palette aims for a more cohesive look, with deeper and softer shades that complement each other while maintaining a colorful flair.

What do you think of this revised palette? Would you like to adjust any specific colors further, or explore different themes?