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#E8F4FA Background
#1A1A1A Text
#007BFF Primary Action
#5A8E9D Secondary Action
#FF6F61 Accent
#254e6b Seafarer


Palette Description

Based on the provided color #254e6b , which is a deep blue shade, I have created a complementary color palette suitable for web design. This palette includes a background, text, primary action, secondary action, and an accent color while ensuring WCAG 2.1 compliance for color contrast.

 <Deep Blue Palette>
1. Background - 
                         - A soft, light blue that creates a serene and clean backdrop for your interface.
2. Text - 
                         - A very dark gray that provides excellent contrast against the background for readability.
3. Primary Action - 
                         - A bright blue that stands out against the background, encouraging user interaction.
4. Secondary Action - 
                         - A muted teal that complements the primary action color while providing a different visual cue.
5. Accent - 
                         - A warm coral that adds a pop of color, drawing attention to important elements or notifications.

Color Palette Description:

This palette utilizes a calming blue theme as the foundation, with a bright action color to attract attention and a warm accent color to create visual interest. The dark text ensures readability and maintains a professional look. Overall, this palette is designed for a modern and user-friendly interface.

Follow-Up Questions:

  1. What type of application or website are you designing this color palette for?
  2. Do you have any specific branding colors that you want to incorporate into this palette?
  3. Are there any particular emotions or themes you want to convey through the design?