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#7B1E3D Rich Burgundy
#CDAA7D Antique Gold
#4C8C60 Majestic Emerald
#6A3B9A Regal Purple
#faedf0 Soft Blush
#161853 Midnight Blue
#292c6d Twilight Indigo

#faedf0 and #161853, give me four more colors

Palette Description

Here’s a revised seven-color palette where “Soft Blush,” “Midnight Blue,” and “Twilight Indigo” serve as accent colors, while the other four colors are the main focus:

 <Baroque Opulence>
1. Rich Burgundy - 
                         - A deep burgundy that embodies warmth and richness, reflecting the luxurious fabrics of the era.
2. Antique Gold - 
                         - A muted gold that signifies classic elegance and opulence, ideal for a Baroque aesthetic.
3. Majestic Emerald - 
                         - A vibrant emerald that adds a touch of nature and vitality, enhancing the overall richness.
4. Regal Purple - 
                         - A lavish purple that symbolizes nobility and grandeur, reminiscent of Baroque art.
5. Soft Blush - 
                         - A delicate, light pink that adds a subtle touch of softness, providing a gentle contrast.
6. Midnight Blue - 
                         - A profound, dark blue that conveys depth and sophistication, used sparingly for emphasis.
7. Twilight Indigo - 
                         - A rich indigo that adds complexity and richness, serving as a complementary accent.

In this “Baroque Opulence” palette, the four main colors focus on richness and elegance, while the three base colors act as accent colors to enhance the overall design.

What do you think of this arrangement? Is there a specific application or project you have in mind for this palette, or would you like to explore further design ideas?