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#A4C8E1 Calm Blue
#FFA500 Alert Orange
#B0B0B0 Neutral Gray
#4CAF50 Empowering Green
#FF4C4C Warning Red

Під час бесіди підлітки були інформувані про несення кримінальної відповідальності віком від 14 років до 16 років.

Palette Description

 <Teen Legal Awareness>
1. Calm Blue - 
                         - A soothing blue that conveys trust and reliability, ideal for serious topics such as legal awareness.
2. Alert Orange - 
                         - A vibrant orange that grabs attention, suitable for emphasizing important points.
3. Neutral Gray - 
                         - A balanced gray that provides a professional backdrop for discussions while maintaining focus.
4. Empowering Green - 
                         - A refreshing green that symbolizes growth and empowerment, encouraging proactive engagement.
5. Warning Red - 
                         - A striking red that signifies caution, effective for highlighting risks and consequences.

This color palette is designed to communicate the seriousness of the topic while also engaging the audience. Each color has been selected to serve a specific purpose in conveying the message effectively.

Would you like further assistance with designing materials for this topic, or do you have any specific preferences for the design elements?