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#D94F3D Red
#4F9C6F Green
#1C74B8 Blue
#8E4C2F Brown
#FF7F32 Orange

1. Red: #D94F3D – Vibrant crimson 2. Green: #4F9C6F – Fresh mint green 3. Blue: #1C74B8 – Bold azure 4. Brown: #8E4C2F – Deep russet 5. Orange: #FF7F32 – Bright tangerine

Palette Description

 <Vibrant Nature> 
1. Red - 
                         - Vibrant crimson 
2. Green - 
                         - Fresh mint green 
3. Blue - 
                         - Bold azure 
4. Brown - 
                         - Deep russet 
5. Orange - 
                         - Bright tangerine 

This color palette, named “Vibrant Nature,” combines lively and earthy tones that evoke a sense of energy and freshness. The vibrant crimson and bright tangerine add warmth and excitement, while the fresh mint green and bold azure provide a refreshing balance. The deep russet grounds the palette, adding depth and stability.

What kind of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Are there any specific emotions or themes you’re aiming to convey?