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#FF69B4 Bubblegum Pink
#FFFF00 Sunshine Yellow
#0077BE Ocean Blue
#00FF00 Lime Green
#E6E6FA Lavender Purple
#FF0800 Candy Apple Red
#40E0D0 Turquoise
#FFD700 Buttercup Orange

Create a color palette for a kids website

Palette Description

1. Bubblegum Pink - 
                         - Fun and playful
2. Sunshine Yellow - 
                         - Bright and cheerful
3. Ocean Blue - 
                         - Calm and soothing
4. Lime Green - 
                         - Energetic and lively
5. Lavender Purple - 
                         - Dreamy and whimsical
6. Candy Apple Red - 
                         - Vibrant and exciting
7. Turquoise - 
                         - Refreshing and inviting
8. Buttercup Orange - 
                         - Warm and inviting