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#ef4026 Tomato

```color_palette 1. Color Name: #EF4026 Hex Code: #EF4026 Description: A vibrant and energetic shade of red-orange. This color exudes passion and warmth, making it perfect for creating eye-catching and dynamic designs. 2. Color Name: Charcoal Hex Code: #36454F Description: Charcoal is a deep, rich shade of gray with hints of blue and black. It is a versatile and sophisticated color that adds depth and elegance to any design. 3. Color Name: Blue Hex Code: #0074D9 Description: A bright and bold shade of blue that is reminiscent of the sky on a clear day. This color is refreshing and calming, making it ideal for creating a sense of tranquility in your designs. 4. Color Name: #B52E31 Hex Code: #B52E31 Description: A deep and intense shade of red that commands attention. This color is bold and powerful, creating a sense of strength and determination in your designs. 5. Color Name: #2E3440 Hex Code: #2E3440 Description: A cool and sophisticated shade of dark gray. This color adds a touch of mystery and elegance to your designs, making it perfect for creating a timeless and classic look. 6. Color Name: #3D5A80 Hex Code: #3D5A80 Description: A calming and serene shade of blue with hints of gray. This color evokes a sense of tranquility and peace, making it ideal for creating a soothing and harmonious atmosphere in your designs. ```

Palette Description

Color palette with #ef4026 , charcoal, and blue