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#FFEB3B Sunshine Yellow
#333333 Charcoal Black
#2196F3 Sky Blue
#FFFFFF Soft White
#FF6F61 Coral Pink

Sunny Delight

Palette Description

 <Sunny Delight>
1. Sunshine Yellow - 
                         - A bright, cheerful yellow that embodies warmth and optimism. 
2. Charcoal Black - 
                         - A deep, rich black that provides strong contrast against the yellow background.
3. Sky Blue - 
                         - A vibrant blue that adds a refreshing touch and balances the warmth of yellow.
4. Soft White - 
                         - A clean, crisp white that enhances readability and offers a neutral complement to the bold colors.
5. Coral Pink - 
                         - A lively pink that introduces playfulness and warmth, perfect for highlights or accents.

This color palette is designed to create a vibrant and energetic interface with a sunny yellow background, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere. The contrasting foreground colors ensure readability and visual interest.

What type of project are you working on that requires this color palette? Would you like to explore additional color options or themes?