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#F5F5F5 Background
#3C3C3C Text
#8B5B29 Primary Action
#A0522D Secondary Action
#E8B000 Accent

Carpentry Colors

Palette Description

 <Carpentry Colors> 
1. Background - 
                         - A light, neutral gray that provides a clean and subtle backdrop for the interface, allowing other colors to stand out.
2. Text - 
                         - A dark charcoal color for primary text, ensuring high readability against the background color and adhering to WCAG 2.1 standards.
3. Primary Action - 
                         - A warm, earthy brown that evokes a sense of wood and craftsmanship, ideal for buttons and primary actions.
4. Secondary Action - 
                         - A muted red-brown that complements the primary action color, suitable for secondary buttons or links while maintaining contrast.
5. Accent - 
                         - A vibrant golden yellow that adds a pop of color to the interface, perfect for highlights and important notifications.

This color palette embodies the essence of carpentry, drawing inspiration from natural wood tones and earthy colors. It creates a warm, inviting atmosphere while ensuring accessibility through good contrast.

Follow-up Questions:

  1. What type of interface are you designing (e.g., a website, an app)?
  2. Are there any specific branding colors or themes that should be incorporated?
  3. Do you have any particular preferences for the overall mood or style of the design?