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#FF4C4C Error Red
#FFCC00 Warning Yellow
#007BFF Info Blue
#F5F5F5 Background Gray
#28A745 Success Green

Semantic Error

Palette Description

 <Semantic Error>
1. Error Red - 
                         - A bright, bold red representing urgency and alertness, often associated with error messages.
2. Warning Yellow - 
                         - A vibrant yellow that signifies caution and draws attention to potential issues.
3. Info Blue - 
                         - A calming blue that conveys trust and is often used for informational messages or links.
4. Background Gray - 
                         - A soft gray that provides a neutral backdrop, making error messages stand out without overwhelming the user.
5. Success Green - 
                         - A refreshing green that indicates success or resolution, often used to balance out errors with positive outcomes.

This color palette is designed for user interfaces that need to communicate different states of messages, particularly in error handling. The colors are chosen to evoke the right emotions and provide clarity, making it easy for users to understand the context of the messages.

What specific application or platform will you be using this color palette for? Are there any additional colors or themes you would like to incorporate?