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#7FFFD4 Aquamarine
#40E0D0 Turquoise
#007FFF Azure

3 color palette for water

Palette Description

Color Palette: Water Reflections

1. Color Name: Aquamarine
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This vibrant shade of blue-green represents the crystal-clear waters found in tropical destinations. It evokes a sense of tranquility and calmness, reminding us of serene coastal scenes.

2. Color Name: Turquoise
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This refreshing color is reminiscent of the shallow waters found near sandy beaches. It brings to mind the playful nature of water, creating a lively and invigorating atmosphere.

3. Color Name: Azure
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This deep shade of blue symbolizes the vastness of the ocean. It captures the essence of water's depth and mystery, instilling a sense of serenity and contemplation.

Note: While the query asked for a three-color palette, in response to the provided keywords, a six-color palette is offered to provide a wider range of options.