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#FF6347 Coral
#20B2AA Light Sea Green
#FFD700 Gold
#FFC107 Amber

Tropical Vibes

Palette Description

 <Tropical Vibes>
1. Coral - 
                         - A vibrant, warm coral hue that evokes feelings of tropical warmth and energy.
2. Light Sea Green - 
                         - A refreshing, calming green reminiscent of clear tropical waters.
3. Gold - 
                         - A bright, shiny gold that adds a touch of luxury and sunshine to the palette.
4. Amber - 
                         - A rich amber tone that provides a warm contrast and enhances the tropical feel.

This color palette, named “Tropical Vibes,” captures the essence of a sunny beach getaway with its warm coral, refreshing greens, and sunny yellows.

Do you have a specific project in mind for this palette, or any particular emotions or themes you’re aiming to convey?