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#1F77B4 Blue
#D62728 Red
#2CA02C Green
#98DF8A Light Green

Blue-Green Contrast

Palette Description

 <Blue-Green Contrast> 
1. Blue - 
                         - A vibrant blue that exudes professionalism and trust. 
2. Red - 
                         - A bold red that conveys energy and urgency. 
3. Green - 
                         - A fresh green symbolizing growth and vitality. 
4. Light Green - 
                         - A softer, calming green that complements the bolder colors. 

This color palette, named “Blue-Green Contrast,” combines vibrant blue and red tones with refreshing greens, creating a dynamic and balanced visual experience. The colors are well-suited for designs that aim to communicate clarity, energy, and growth.

What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Are there any specific emotions or messages you want the design to convey?