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#FFFFFF Background
#75174C Primary Color
#009B77 Complementary Color
#F6D1C1 Accent Color
#333333 Text Color

Web Application UI Palette

Palette Description

 <Web Application UI Palette>
1. Background - 
                         - A clean, light background that enhances readability and provides a fresh, airy feel.
2. Primary Color - 
                         - A deep, rich burgundy that conveys sophistication and elegance, serving as the main color for buttons and accents.
3. Complementary Color - 
                         - A vibrant green turquoise that adds a refreshing contrast to the primary color, perfect for highlights and call-to-action elements.
4. Accent Color - 
                         - A soft peach tone that complements the primary color, adding warmth and balance to the overall palette.
5. Text Color - 
                         - A dark gray that ensures readability against the light background without being as harsh as black.

This color palette combines a light, clean background with a sophisticated primary color and a vibrant complementary color, creating a harmonious and modern look for your web application UI. The accent color adds warmth, while the text color maintains readability.

Do you have any specific elements in mind for the application, like buttons, headers, or links? Would you like to add any additional colors or make adjustments?