Primary Color
Primary Color Light
Primary Color Dark
Complementary Color
Complementary Color Light
Complementary Color Dark
Accent Color
Accent Color Light
Text Color
Text Color Light
Text Color Dark
Shy Champagne Blush
Palette Description
<Extended Web Application UI Palette>
1. Background -
- A clean, light background that enhances readability and provides a fresh, airy feel.
2. Primary Color -
- A deep, rich burgundy that conveys sophistication and elegance, serving as the main color for buttons and accents.
3. Primary Color Light -
- A lighter shade of burgundy, ideal for hover states and secondary buttons.
4. Primary Color Dark -
- A darker hue that can be used for shadows or focused elements, adding depth.
5. Complementary Color -
- A vibrant green turquoise that adds a refreshing contrast to the primary color, perfect for highlights and call-to-action elements.
6. Complementary Color Light -
- A lighter version that works well for hover effects or backgrounds on buttons.
7. Complementary Color Dark -
- A darker shade for accents or emphasis, providing a stronger contrast.
8. Accent Color -
- A soft peach tone that complements the primary color, adding warmth and balance to the overall palette.
9. Accent Color Light -
- An even lighter peach for subtle highlights or backgrounds.
10. Accent Color Dark -
- A darker peach to provide depth for certain UI elements.
11. Text Color -
- A dark gray that ensures readability against the light background without being as harsh as black.
12. Text Color Light -
- A medium gray for secondary text, ensuring it's legible but less prominent than primary text.
13. Text Color Dark -
- Pure black for the highest emphasis text that needs to stand out.
This extended color palette provides various tones for each color, allowing for versatile application across different UI elements while following Material Design guidelines. The inclusion of light and dark variants for both the primary and complementary colors, as well as the accent colors, ensures a rich and dynamic interface.
Would you like to focus on any specific UI components or elements further, such as forms, navigation bars, or cards?