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#1C1C1C Shadow Black
#4B3C5A Dusk Purple
#B0B3B8 Ashen Grey
#7E1F1F Blood Red
#A6B7C9 Faded Blue

Dark Betrayal

Palette Description

 <Dark Betrayal>
1. Shadow Black - 
                         - A deep, almost impenetrable black that evokes feelings of despair and hopelessness.
2. Dusk Purple - 
                         - A muted purple that represents the melancholic thoughts and introspection of betrayal.
3. Ashen Grey - 
                         - A soft grey that reflects the emptiness and struggle, like fading memories.
4. Blood Red - 
                         - A stark, dark red that symbolizes pain and emotional turmoil.
5. Faded Blue - 
                         - A washed-out blue that conveys a sense of sadness and longing for better times.

This color palette, “Dark Betrayal,” encapsulates the emotional turmoil and depth of feeling experienced by someone who has faced betrayal and struggles with anorexia. The colors are deliberately muted and dark, reflecting the themes of hopelessness and retrospection.

What specific applications do you have in mind for this palette? Is it for digital design, branding, or perhaps a personal project?